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PP Multi-Window

Le Sii - Code Plugins - Apr 13, 2024

Easy to create subwindow at runtime or editor. And can paint UMG to created window

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.1 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Engine Plugin
    This product contains a code plugin, complete with pre-built binaries and all its source code that integrates with Unreal Engine, which can be installed to an engine version of your choice then enabled on a per-project basis.
  • Promotional Content
    Contains Promotional Content
    The creator has indicated this digital content promotes a brand, product, or business (whether their own or someone else’s).

Can quickly create sub windows during program runtime and add rendering UI through the Handle heap form.

Support binding windows with the world to automatically destroy forms when uninstalling levels.

UMG can be added through various methods, including easy-to-use blueprint nodes.

A component inherited from SceneCapture2D can automatically create a window and define its position on the selected monitor.

Simultaneously defined a static method library to obtain all monitor information on the host.

Technical Details


  • 2024/4/23: Change "PMWDisplayComponent" create window method,use "bNewDisplay" to select create new add to a created window.
  • 2024/5/9 : Add function to capture input event in created window.


  • Easy to use by blueprint.
  • Create global window by create params at all engine or game life-time .
  • Can create window create params at monitor coordinate position.
  • Easy to create sub window by monitor to set windowmode=fullscreenwindow.Needn't to set more params.
  • Get created window handle by window index.
  • Can get primary monitor info ,or all monitor info. Display Info can print by string format
  • Can get global coordinate rect size, There have method to transform relative pos to global, or reverse transform.
  • Create UserWidget by WidgetType and add to created window, and remove from window.
  • Add a constructed userwidget to created window, and remove from window.
  • Window can auto destroy by level unload,or global destroy by manual.
  • Window can add SWidget to content and remove from display.
  • Window can bind event on window closed.
  • A component inherited from SceneCapture2D can automatically create window at monitor index.

Code Modules:

  •  PPMultiWindow(Runtime)

Number of Blueprints:0

Number of C++ Classes:11

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

Documentation: Simple To Use