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Gm Fish Movement Template

DevGaeMyo - Code Plugins - Feb 20, 2024

An example project of basic fish movement is provided as an Unreal Engine C++ template.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.1 - 5.3
  • Download Type
    Engine Plugin
    This product contains a code plugin, complete with pre-built binaries and all its source code that integrates with Unreal Engine, which can be installed to an engine version of your choice then enabled on a per-project basis.

This plugin is an example template that implements simple fish movements in C++ code.

We are immensely grateful for the fact that our recent asset releases have been selected twice for the Unreal Engine Marketplace's official showcase.

After much contemplation on how to express our gratitude,

we have decided to release this new asset for free as a token of appreciation to all of you.

While we may not be financially affluent,

our hearts are full of gratitude, and we hope this gesture conveys our sincere thanks."

※ This asset uses only a "Static Mesh" without an "Animation Blueprint", "Animation", or a rigged "Skeletal Mesh". ※

Why Choose the 'Gm' Series?(This is important to buyers.)


Showcase Video Link


Our approach is to elevate the asset's quality with each update, which will slightly raise its price over time. Early adopters are thus assured of gaining increasing value from their initial investment, highlighting the compounding benefits of purchasing early.

Our ultimate goal is to foster a dynamic relationship with our purchasers through open communication and feedback.

By doing so, we aim to significantly improve the asset's quality, thereby offering greater rewards to our early supporters and driving the asset's development forward.

This direction is aimed at supporting mutual growth and enhancing the value of our asset together.

Join this thriving community now to secure your exclusive advantages as an early adopter.


Please note that this code plugin is continuously evolving with regular refinements and feature additions. 

As we enhance and expand its capabilities, there may be periodic adjustments to the pricing to reflect the added value and functionalities.

Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated as we strive to deliver an even more robust and feature-rich experience.

Your feedback, suggestions, and update requests are highly valued.

Feel free to reach out via Discord for any questions or requests regarding the plugin.

Your satisfaction is our priority!

For version support and inquiries, contact us at

Another list of assets from the developer

Gm Rapid Building System PLUS

Gm Universal UI Framework

Gm Dynamic Multi Chat System

Gm Rapid Thumbnail Creator

Gm Rapid Loading Screen

Gm Rapid Dialogue System

Gm Rapid Inventory System

Gm Interactable Prop System (Was previously featured in the Unreal Engine Marketplace Official Showcase)

Gm Advanced Cine Camera Manager (Second asset featured in this developer's Unreal Engine Marketplace Official Showcase)

Gm Dynamic Volumetric Fogs(Included in the “Gm Interactable Prop System” plugin, Support planned)

Gm Enhanced Debugging Tool(Free)

Gm Level Manager

Partnership store Special Product link

Advanced Modular Flame Emitters Pack

Ax Bodycam Template(Pro)

For inquiries about joining the partnership, version support and inquiries please send an email to

This assets include some assets from Epic Games.

Technical Details


 Includes C++ and Blueprint example assets that are fully preset.

Includes a C++ implementation of fish movements and all assets included in the reference video.

Code Modules: (Please include a full list of each Plugin module and their module type (Runtime, Editor etc.))


Number of Blueprints: 2

Number of C++ Classes: 1

Network Replicated: (Don't need)

Supported Development Platforms: (Windows)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (Windows)

It has not been tested on platforms other than Windows, but is expected to work smoothly.

Showcase Video : Link