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Dead world

Dave Berg - Characters - Oct 25, 2021

Skeleton character with fun little scene, AI, bone props and fx.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.19 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Asset Pack
    This product contains an assortment of Unreal Engine assets which can be imported into a pre-existing project of your choice.

Skeleton character with fun little scene, AI, bone props and fx.

Video HERE (recorded packaged demo level play)

Try the packaged demo level HERE

Playlist of all my assets HERE

My other assets page HERE

Technical Details


  •  1 animated character
  •  6 in-place animations, (3 walks, 3 idles) + 3rd person template animations (7)
  • Rigged to epic skeleton including IK bones (use any animation compatible with epic skeleton)
  •  2 Physics assets (normal & breaks to pieces)
  • vertex count 278k
  • 4 master materials (character = 1 material)
  • 4 material instances (character = 1 instance)
  • 15 x 4K textures
  • tested in windows 64bit
  • 8 Blueprints

  1. Animation Blueprint
  2. Ai controller Blueprint
  3. Character Blueprint
  4. Visual fx "Bombs" blueprint
  5. Spawner for "Bombs"
  6. Camera Blueprint (as seen in video and used in demo above)
  7. Game mode
  8. Camera shake

  • 2 levels (demo level as in video and demo / overview)
  • 5 particle FX (not niagara) bones burst, smoke mushroom, smoke ring, storm, smoke trails.
  • 1 level sequence used for fading in demo level
  • 1 skeletal mesh
  • 29 static meshes (bones)
  • static meshes have 3 LODs / 2 uv's / in-engine created collisions
  • Static meshes vertices 918-167k (LOD 0)


Blueprints - Ai character uses navmesh but when heading to a new destination the path is curved manually and navmesh path finding is disabled. Walk and idle animations are chosen randomly and changed in game. Character stops idling randomly, seeks new destination randomly, dies by damage variable, flip-flops 2 Phats when dying, blends physics with animation.

Camera BP uses camera shake, attaches to variable actor, rails back and forth around chosen actor.

Bombs Bp shoots down bombs near camera BP (as seen in video & demo).