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Datamosh Effect

Petya - Code Plugins - Jul 22, 2024

Post-process shader that simulates video compression artifacts and creates 'glitchy' visual effects.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.2 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Engine Plugin
    This product contains a code plugin, complete with pre-built binaries and all its source code that integrates with Unreal Engine, which can be installed to an engine version of your choice then enabled on a per-project basis.

Datamosh is a post process shader that creates a frame blending effect by simulating a video editing technique in which the footage is manipulated to look 'trippy' or 'glitchy,' usually by manual compression.

Jam2go's video about datamoshing in Unreal



Using engine classes, plugin injects the shader into the rendering pipeline, ensuring it is compatible with other post process effects after the default installation.

Technical Details


  • Automatically applies on viewport on any scene,
  • Built-in blueprint functions.
  • Console commands to adjust the effect parameters (noise type, noise intensity, effect intensity),
  • Compatible with other post process effects,
  • No additional setup required,
  • Small performance cost.

Code Modules:

  • DatamoshEffect (Runtime)

Number of C++ Classes: 2

Network Replicated: No (In progress)

Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Mac, Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64, Mac, Linux

Documentation: Link: Google Docs

Example Project: (In progress)

Current Version: 0.2.1