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BetterBlueprint - ToolNodes

Arkena - Code Plugins - Jul 10, 2024
4.83 out of 5 stars(6 ratings)
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Add WebPage, Note, Tasklist, Summary, Image, Viewport and Link nodes in your blueprints. And create your own custom nodes directly from the editor.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.3 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Engine Plugin
    This product contains a code plugin, complete with pre-built binaries and all its source code that integrates with Unreal Engine, which can be installed to an engine version of your choice then enabled on a per-project basis.

- Overview (video)

- Documentation

- Discord support

BetterBlueprint - ToolNodes is an editor plugin that add five new nodes and let you create new ones directly from the editor using UMG widgets

You can use the link node to create links between assets directly in the graph or add a link to external documentation.

The summary node is a tool that list all the comments in the graph to create buttons that access the related comment when clicked.

The image node can be used to explain your algorithms using schemes

The note node use a richtext to display a clean documentation

The tasklist let you track your TODOs and see your progression of your implementation

You can modify existing nodes to customize the logic or the visuals just by editing the UMG widget of the node in editor, or create your own nodes.

Technical Details


  • Create custom blueprint nodes from editor
  • Image : Add images from assets
  • Link : Create links using URLs or asset references
  • Note : Create notes using richtext
  • Summary : A summary node that list all comment nodes for fast access
  • Tasklist : A task node to create and complete tasks with a progress bar
  • WebPage: Add a web page to display online docs, tutorials ...

Code Modules

  • NKBetterBlueprint (editor)

Number of Blueprints: 5

Number of C++ Classes: 10

Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Linux, Android

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64, Linux, Android