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Audio Metering Lite

Emissive Audio - Code Plugins - Dec 6, 2023
4.75 out of 5 stars(4 ratings)
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Audio Metering Lite is a free plugin that lets you analyze and meter Submixes.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.1 - 5.3
  • Download Type
    Engine Plugin
    This product contains a code plugin, complete with pre-built binaries and all its source code that integrates with Unreal Engine, which can be installed to an engine version of your choice then enabled on a per-project basis.

Unlock essential audio insights with our Audio Metering Lite! Experience real-time audio analysis and precise metering in an intuitive interface. Audio Metering Lite empowers you to analyze and visualize your game audio, helping you identify and address audio issues with ease.

Achieve professional-grade audio quality in your projects that sound great on all devices and speakers. Solo and Mute your Submixes to debug your mixes effortlessly.

With a resizable and user-friendly interface, it's simple to analyze and view your audio in real-time. Get started quickly and take your game audio to the next level.

Whether you're a sound designer, music composer, or game developer, Audio Metering Lite is a valuable tool for creating high-quality audio for your Unreal Engine projects. Elevate your audio game with our Lite version and achieve precise and balanced audio mixes.

More Info: EmissiveAudio

Technical Details


  •  Submix Audio Metering
  • Resizable and reorderable Audio Meters
  • Solo and Mute your Audio Meters
  • Responsive, resizable and dockable window

Code Modules:

  •  AudioMeteringLite [Editor] 

Number of Blueprints: 13

Number of C++ Classes: 1

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: No
