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Aseprite Importer

ENFP-Dev-Studio - Code Plugins - Aug 16, 2023

This plugin allows you to directly import Aseprite files.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.3 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Engine Plugin
    This product contains a code plugin, complete with pre-built binaries and all its source code that integrates with Unreal Engine, which can be installed to an engine version of your choice then enabled on a per-project basis.


! Important ! - This plugin does not include the Aseprite software. Aseprite must be installed separately in order to use this plugin

The Aseprite Importer is a tool designed to streamline the process of importing .aseprite files, crafted in the Pixelart software Aseprite, directly into Unreal Engine for use with Paper2D. For the essential operation of this plugin, it's imperative to have the Paper2D Plugin enabled and to have Aseprite installed on your system.

  • Reason for Aseprite installation:
  • Aseprite is crucial for the conversion of .aseprite files.
  • Rationale behind activating Paper2D:
  • To ensure the seamless import and utilization of the converted aseprite files within Unreal Engine, the activation of Paper2D is imperative. Note: Paper2D comes bundled with Unreal Engine, eliminating the need for a separate installation.

Note: The purpose of this plugin is to allow you to import .aseprite files directly into Unreal Engine without any additional conversion. Therefore, if you've already exported your assets to a spritesheet format that Unreal Engine can recognize, there's no need to use this plugin.

2024.05.20 Release Notes ( ver1.3 )

  • Added an option to enable skipping empty tag frames when creating flipbooks.
  • Improved Flipbook Animation naming

2024.03.09 Release Notes ( ver1.2 )

  • New Features
  • Added Split Layers functionality: Ability to create Frames and Flipbooks separately for each layer, similar to the Split Layers option in Aseprite App's Export Sprite Sheet feature.
  • Bug Fixes and Usability Improvements
  • Improved naming of Flipbooks using Aseprite Animation Tags.
  • Fixed an issue where a Flipbook was created incorrectly when there was only one frame in a Tag.
  • Added Import Dialog
  • An option dialog is now available during import to set options.

2023.09.29 Release Note

  • Removed the plugin button and integrated the features into Unreal Engine's Import
  • Added an option to create a Flipbook upon Import (enabled by default)
  • Added an option to adjust the frame run count based on the Frame Duration from Aseprite, so it aligns with the FPS (15) set in Aseprite Importer Settings. This effectively synchronizes the duration each frame is displayed (enabled by default).
  • If you want to match the Frame Duration exactly with Aseprite, detailed instructions can be found at the here
  • Enhanced to reflect changes in Aseprite files through Reimport

Technical Details


  •  Aseprite File Importer

Code Modules:

  •  Aseprite Import Button in Unreal Engine Editor

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 1

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Win64

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64

Documentation: Link

Example Project: Link (ver1.1)

Important/Additional Notes: To utilize this plugin, the Paper2D Plugin must be enabled and Aseprite must be installed.