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Advanced Mobile Notifications

Porret Gaming - Code Plugins - May 23, 2024
Not Yet Rated

Enhance player engagement with seamless Android notifications in Unreal Engine. Send alerts, updates, and messages directly within your game, creating a more connected and immersive player experience.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Engine Plugin
    This product contains a code plugin, complete with pre-built binaries and all its source code that integrates with Unreal Engine, which can be installed to an engine version of your choice then enabled on a per-project basis.

Stay connected with your players through the power of Android notifications using our Unreal Engine plugin. This plugin seamlessly integrates Android's Notification API into your Unreal Engine projects, allowing you to send alerts, updates, and messages directly to your players. This is perfect for keeping players informed and engaged, our plugin supports a range of notification types, from simple alerts to complex, interactive messages.

Easily configure and manage notifications within Unreal Engine blueprints, streamlining your development process while enhancing player interaction. Whether you're updating players on game events or sending important reminders, our plugin ensures your game stays at the forefront of their attention.

Access to Android SDK Notification API

  • 🛡️ Handle Notification Permissions
  • 📡 Create and Manage Notification Channels
  • 📦 Create and Manage Notification Channel Groups
  • ⚙️ Create Highly Configurable Notifications
  • 🔔 Notify Users Immediately or Schedule them for later
  • 🖼️ Direct Image Input to Blueprints

Comprehensive documentation and support for developers of all skill levels

Technical Details

Blueprint Nodes

  • Request Notification Permission | Revoke Notification Permission
  • Should Show Permission Rationale | Has Notification Permission
  • Build Notification Channel | Save Notification Channel
  • Set Notification Channel Description | Set Notification Channel Group
  • Delete Notification Channel Group | Get Created Notification Channel Groups
  • Build Notification | Set Notification Auto Cancel
  • Set Notification Small Icon | Set Notification Color
  • Set Notification Large Icon | Add Notification Action
  • Notification Notify Immediate | Schedule Notification with Milli Delay
  • Schedule Notification | Cancel Scheduled Notification
  • Set Notification Visibility | Set Notification Public Version
  • Set Notification Big Text | Set Notification Big Picture
  • Set Notification Calendar Time | Set Notification Epoch Time Milli
  • Set Notification Time Now | Get Current Epoch Time Milli
  • And More...

No of Blueprints: 31

No of C++ Classes: 12

No of Java Classes: 6

Development Platforms: Windows / Mac

Target Build Platforms: Android


Release Notes: