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Piano Music Game and Score Making with Materials and VFX

Not Yet Rated

This is a small piano music game that includes score entry function.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.1 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Asset Pack
    This product contains an assortment of Unreal Engine assets which can be imported into a pre-existing project of your choice.


3 Modes Display

Resource Pack Display

Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2 and Packaging Test


3 Modes Display

Resource Pack Display

Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2 and Packaging Test

(These video contents are all the same, please choose the faster one.)

This is a relatively complete PC based piano leisure music game resource package.

It contains most musical elements such as notes, rests, and staff.

It can function independently as a game or as an embeddable mini program.

This resource includes necessary materials, VFX, UI, and Scoring System.

It should be emphasized that you can generate corresponding data tables based on the staff and then create unique music games.

The input of music scores requires a basic foundation in music theory. Of course, the resource package includes a quick start tutorial, and you can also go to professional music knowledge websites to learn about staff notation.

The images, music scores, and data tables based on them in the tutorial are for learning purposes only and are not within the scope of sale.

The entire system consists of the following parts:

    BP_Score + BP_PlayTrack + BP_Connector


This blueprint is mainly used for music playback based on data tables.

It can also be used for decoration that requires elements related to staff notation.


This blueprint is a visual module based on 10 tunnels of keyboard strikes.

Users can freely choose the tunnel they want to use, as well as change the style and striking effect of the falling block (BP-PlayCube).


This is a blueprint that connects the above two. It has 3 modes:

---Single Mode:

No UI required, can directly play or execute pre-set music scores.

---Multi Mode:

UI is required to directly play or execute pre-set music scores.

Players can choose the mode they are interested in.

(autoplay, left hand, left hand with accompaniment, right hand, right hand with accompaniment, both hands)

---Custom Mode:

The basic functions are similar to Multi Mode, but players can independently choose parameters and game modes.

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 5






Number of Main Niagara Effects: 3(12+) 




Number of Main Materials and Material Instances : 7(29+)

M_Arc (3)



M_Glass (3+)

M_Hit (6+)

M_PieChart_Object (4)

M_Wave (5+)

Number of Meshes : 27

Clef (5)

Note (15)


Number of UI : 5







Number of Sounds : 88