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Login and Player selection system

PinOK - Blueprints - Feb 28, 2024

Simple player selection system + offline login system

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Complete Project
    This product contains a full Unreal Engine project folder, complete with Config files, Content files and .uproject file, which can be used as a template to create a new project.

Player selection System template for Unreal Engine - YouTube

Let me know if you find any bugs please.


Demo project also available in Discord - link

Hi everyone,

Player selection system is a good start to create your own selection system. As an example of one of many ways, this maybe like you with simplest functions and well explained comments to every step. And a simple login system (offline). Can be used in any pursue as for game or in your application to split the authority, secure presentation or maybe just for fun. Hopefully, it will save you at least some hours of routine job for this symbolic price and helps me to be more motivated to create more small projects or update the existed :)

Thank you. 

Technical Details

Features. Player selection system:

  • create new character
  • select the class
  • select the gender
  • select the name (with simple check by entered name length, characters type)
  • saves all information into save file on the local machine
  • passing the saved information to different level 

Features. Login system (offline):

  • Create new account
  • Saves new account info into save file
  • Login into saved accounts
  • Simple check by entered info length, characters type, password maching

***NOTICE: offline version. All the entered info are stored on the local machine. 

Number of Blueprints: 14

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Documentation: All functions and logics are explained inside the project