Comment Bubble Assist Hotkeys

rolffson - Code Plugins - Dec 28, 2021
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Edit or fill Blueprint comment bubbles via keyboard commands, no more fumbling with the mouse!

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.27, 5.0 - 5.3
  • Download Type
    Engine Plugin
    This product contains a code plugin, complete with pre-built binaries and all its source code that integrates with Unreal Engine, which can be installed to an engine version of your choice then enabled on a per-project basis.

Unreal Editor Plugin: Comment Bubble Assist      

commenting without getting mouse arm RSI !

This plugin allows you to use keyboard commands to edit Blueprint comment bubbles,

fill them with the node's title, pin / unpin the zoom lock, or remove the comment.

No more fumbling with the mouse, trying to hit those tiny buttons.

video: (shows v.1.1)

commands available:

all shortcut keys may be changed in the UE4 Editor settings


Edit the comment text

Simply select the command node, hit the E key, and start editing.


Hide / unhide the comment text

toggle: If at least one comment of the selected nodes is visible, hide them.

If none of the selected is visible, unhide non-empty comments again.


Pin or unpin the bubble zoom

To control whether the bubble should zoom with the graph, or stay at a readable 1:1 size.

toggle: If the slected / all of the selected nodes are pinned, unpin them.

classic 'U' command for unpin still works.


Clear the comment

Delete the comment text and hide the comment bubble.

Does not delete text from hidden comments.


Pin & Edit the comment text

like Edit, but also pins the zoom size. Useful to edit when heavily zoomed out


Fill the comment bubble with the node title and pin the size.

Useful for event nodes to still find them while zoomed out.

ALT-E only fills nodes of type 'event', but doesn't touch 'normal' nodes, even if selected.

Useful to only fill several event nodes, without having to avoid the 'normal' nodes when selecting.

CTRL-ALT-E fills all types of nodes.

Both commands don't touch nodes which already contain a comment.


Use the standard CTRL-Z undo command

Technical Details


  • allows to add / change / delete the comment of Blueprint nodes via hotkey
  • avoids using the mouse
  • features command to put event node title into comment for better overview when zoomed out
  • pin / unpin the zoom lock via hotkey

Supported Development Platforms: Windows



Important: do not forget to activate the plugin after installing!