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Bullet Impact VFX with Bullet Hole Decals and Sounds

Medartimus - Visual Effects - Feb 17, 2016
3.27 out of 5 stars(15 ratings)
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Pack contains basic set of bullet impacts on different surface materials, with bullet hole decals and physical materials. Also, Bonus: impact sound effects and test scene (as in demo video) included.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.10, 4.25 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Asset Pack
    This product contains an assortment of Unreal Engine assets which can be imported into a pre-existing project of your choice.

Bullet Impact VFX with Bullet Hole Decals and Sounds.

Preview Video

Effect package contains 21 bullet impacts visual FX with LODs, 69 bullet hole decals and 446 textures. You can use these impact effects for the following materials: - Concrete, Brick wall, Sheetrock, Metal solid, Tinplate or Barrels, Oil barrels, Wood, Rubber or Plastic, furniture, Fabric, Electric devices, Flesh and Blood, Ground, Sand, Sandbags, Rocks, Snow, Glass(three type), Pottery, Windshield, Water, Mud, Snow, Ice.

Pack includes bullet hole decals with cool 3D effect for following materials: - Concrete, Brick wall, Sheetrock, Metal Solid, Tinplate or Barrels, Wood, Flesh, Rock, Furniture, Fabric, Rubber or Plastic, Sandbags, Glass, Windshield, Bulletproof glass. 5 different decals for each surfaces.

Also, as BONUS pack includes: 109 amazing sounds combined in 22 sound cues. Plus 4-5 different sound files for each material surfaces and 21 physical materials.

Also, Test scene (see preview video), LOD-test scene and lot of useful props, materials and textures included as bonus.

--- In 5.30 version added NIAGARA particles. So, You,ll got both, Cascade and Niagara in separate folders.

Also, in this version some parameters of particles corrected, considering released new versions of UE. ---

Notification: Before purchase keep in mind, pack does not include firing system blueprint, Only assets which are in description. 

All files placed in one folder in content browser, named: BulletImpactVFX.

Technical Details

List of every effect:

Number of Effects: 21

Particle system: Cascade and Niagara

Number of custom materials/textures: 446 textures

Number of Materials: 214 Materials

Number of Blueprints: 19 UE4 Default Data Blueprint, 21 Physical materials

Number of Meshes: 30 Meshes

Number of Audio tracks: 108 wavs

Number of Audio Cues: 22 Audio Cues

Sample rate \ bit rate: (i.e. 44.1 kHz, 16bit Stereo WAVs): 44.1 kHz, 16bit Stereo WAVs

List of included tracks: Bullet impact sfx: Concrete, Brick wall, Sheetrock, Metal Solid, Tinplate or Barrels, Flesh, Wood, Furniture, Fabric, Rubber or Plastic, Sandbags, Glass, Windshield, Bulletproof glass, Pottery, Window glass, Water, Mud, Snow, Ground, Sand

Does music\audio loop: No

How many minutes of audio provided: 1:16MIN

Documentation Included: No

Platforms: Windows, OSX, Linux, PlayStation 4, PS4/Morpheus, Xbox One, Oculus, SteamVR / HTC Vive, HTML5