BetterBlueprint - Library

Arkena - Code Plugins - Sep 14, 2024
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Improve your productivity with many custom nodes and functions

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
  • Download Type
    Engine Plugin
    This product contains a code plugin, complete with pre-built binaries and all its source code that integrates with Unreal Engine, which can be installed to an engine version of your choice then enabled on a per-project basis.

- Overview (video)

- Documentation

- Discord support

This plugin regroups many libraries to improve code productivity and efficiency by adding new custom advanced nodes and functions that are frequently used in game development.

The plugin aims to streamline the most used functions such as printing objects or arrays, creating timers, checking for object's validity and much more. This add-on will help you to overcome technical challenges faster and guarantee a smoother workflow for your project.

The plugin is meant to be steadily evolving and upgraded with features requests. Feel free to suggest any ideas on the discord.

Technical Details

Main featuresMath library
  • AbsVector
  • GetDistanceWithinConeSegment
  • ProjectToAxisZ
  • ...

Meta library
  • FindOrLoadAssetsByPath
  • GetClassFunctions
  • ProcessFunction
Range library (views)
  • ActorInRange
  • Even / Odd
  • Range
  • Reverse
  • ...
Standard library
  • SortObjects
  • SpawnActorDeferred
  • IsValid(Checked/Ensured)
  • GetAllClassesOfType
  • Print (advanced version)
  • SetTimerByEvent (advanced version)
  • ...

See the documentation for the complete list.

Code Modules:

  • NKBetterBlueprint_Library (Runtime)
  • NKBetterBlueprint_Nodes (UncookedOnly)

Number of C++ Classes: 38

Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Linux, Android

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64, Linux, Android